Flow timer application to improve your focus sessions


2 min read

Hey, folks! ๐Ÿ‘‹

Besides programming, I'm interested in productivity, as I think that you should improve the way how you spend your working time to work more efficiently, not harder. I tried Pomodoro Technique as I thought that it will add control to my working time. I like the basic ideas of this technique:

  • focus on one task
  • breaks

But after some unsuccessful attempts to integrate it, I faced the same problems every time:

  • timer ends when you are in the flow. It leads to skipping the break and enabling the next work period. When you are in the flow you want to continue this session, but skipping breaks or entering the next work session feels wrong. For me it ended feeling stressed and tired and that you are losing control.
  • fixed time for focus sessions. As a developer and student, I have several types of tasks that have different times before I start feeling tired. For example for research, reading, and learning I'm comfortable with 25 minutes session, while for writing code I need 45-90 minutes. Sometimes you simply need 5-10 minutes more just to finish a task and don't lose context between pomodoros. It's hard enough to configure your timer settings when your plan is mixed with different types of tasks.

After some research, I've found that there is a try to combine pluses from the Pomodoro technique and use it with Flow - Flowtime technique. But I didn't find any applications sharpened to this technique. So I've implemented FlowTimer as an OSS project on Elixir and Phoenix LiveView.

Source: github.com/alex-strizhakov/flow-timer

Application is available here.

I'll appreciate any feedback or ideas and help as well ๐Ÿ’™

Plan for development is here.
